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Principal's Reflection - 11 October 

Welcome to the first Principal's Reflection for Term 4, 2024.

Foundation Day

Celebration season is definitely upon us at St Luke’s. Between now and the end of the year, there are 12 events across the School where we acknowledge either the significant achievements of students or a special time in the journey of students through and beyond school. Three of these occur next week, with Foundation Day, the Cultural Assembly for Middle and Senior students, and the Middle and Senior School Awards Evening. While it makes for a busy term, it is absolutely appropriate to celebrate these special moments with students, families and staff. 

Foundation Day is a very special day, and this year we are joined by the Most Reverend Jeremy Greaves, Archbishop of the Diocese of Brisbane. All organisations build traditions, and Foundation Day is one of ours. Traditions are a means of passing on what is important to an organisation, a way to cement certain things into the collective organisational memory. Part of Foundation Day is about reminding our community about the vision our Founders had for the School. By their generous spirits and dedicated actions at the beginning of our School, they communicated to us just how important they felt that the people of Bundaberg should be served by a school in the Anglican tradition. This year, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of St Luke’s, we will learn a little more about the Founders who made St Luke’s possible.  

Acting Head of Primary

I am very excited to share with our community that Mrs Mandy Robinson has been appointed as the acting Head of Primary for the duration of Semester 1, 2025. Mrs Robinson's passion, enthusiasm, focus on relationships and deep understanding of curriculum have ensured a seamless transition in leadership within the Primary School. I have every confidence that she will serve the St Luke’s community well. Early in the new year, the School will commence a comprehensive, external recruitment process for this key role. 


Throughout 2024 we have been reviewing St Luke’s external communication processes. We understand there is a level of communication fatigue within our community, and are seeking the best way to provide families with the information they need to know, at the most appropriate time, via the most appropriate channel. This year the School has tracked and analysed how our community accesses information about the School. Over the next 6 months, families will start to see changes in the way the School communicates, based on this analysis. Please be assured that we keep you informed about these changes. The first two changes are this newsletter and our School website. You may have noticed a rather significant overhaul to the School website, but then again, you may not have. Our data indicates that existing families only used a fraction of what was previously on the School website, if at all. To that end, the website was streamlined to make it easier to access those things that families were looking for. As for this newsletter, you will no longer see double ups (or triple ups) of information that the School knows families are accessing via other means. It will be shorter, easier to read, and to the point. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of our School,

Matthew Hughes


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